My research group.
I am currently at Birmingham City University.
- Victoria Baker, PhD >> click here <<
- Promod Jayalath Mudiyanselage, PhD >> click here <<
- Mohammad Nejati PhD >> click here <<
- Sahdia Maryam, PhD (former)
- Issartel Paul, PhD (former)
I co-founded the FLOTTE group, within the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
I closely work with:
Vicki's words and work: Time Resolved Experimentation with Acoustically Levitated and Manipulated Samples.
I started my research in September 2020 and my aim is to acoustically levitate biological samples so that biological reactions can be analysed using X-ray crystallography at Diamond Light Source.
To levitate the samples, I will be using a device called TinyLev (see picture.)
Part of my PhD is to gain a better understanding of the physics of TinyLev; design and build a TinyLev that can levitate and control the rotation of smaller droplets of samples and use the TinyLev to investigate lysozyme-ligand reactions and changes in plant phytochrome structure after exposure to infra-red light.
The TinyLev is controlled via an Arduino Nano and I expect to use COMSOL or similar over the course of the PhD. The research is a collaboration between Diamond Light Source and BCU so I hope to spend some time at both places once Covid-19 restrictions are over! |
![]() TinyLev levitating polystyrene beads |
Promod's words and work: Machine Learning based control of fluid flows.
Nowadays due to the continous progress in computer system, the field of fluid dynamics has seen ahuge advancement and development, where large amounts of data from experiments and simulations arecontinously gathered.
![]() Flow past a cylinder |
- The overall project’s objective has a realistic industrial application such as:
- reducing drag behind cars to improve their efficiency
- reducing the windows flickering to have a better driving experience at high speed.
Being able to reduce drag entails less fuel consumption, which then entails less carbon footprint emissions into the environment. In terms of windows flickering instead, nowadays plenty of vehicles such as EVs produce almost no sound. Therefore, being able to reduce windows flickering will be another step forward in reducing noise pollution in particular habitat.
Muhammad's words and work: Optimization of the energy distribution in renewable energy based minigrids.
I am a Ph.D. student in renewable energy (RE) based microgrid energy management and control at BCU. As part of my PhD research, I am working on developing control algorithms to answer the specific challenges of the main modes of operation identified by the International Energy Agency:
![]() A typical mini grid |
In order to achieve both the control systems, I am working on developing model predictive control schemes for renewable energy sources-based battery energy storage with electricity market participation. In addition, premature battery life span degradation minimization is also among the control objectives of the research under study. Our main aim is to deploy the developed control schemes in RE powered microgrid in Indian Punjab, for farming purposes.
Here is the people I work with
- Collaborators and/or co-authors:
- Ammi Mehdi, LIMSI, France - contact
- Artana Guillermo, Univ. Buenos Aeres, Argentina - contact
- Basley Jeremy
- Carlier Johan, IRSTEA, France
- Cammilleri Ada, Univ. Buenos Aeres, Argentina
- Coquillard Sabine,INRIA Grenoble, France - contact
- Cordier Laurent, Univ. Poitiers, France - contact
- Delorme Maximem, Univ. of Surrey, UK - contact
- Douay Christelle
- Faure Thierry, LIMSI, France
- Fraigneaux Yann, LIMSI, France
- Gaffary Yoren, INRIA Rennes, France
- Girard Adrien, INRIA Rennes, France
- Khatir Zinedine, BCU, UK
- Hussaini Youssuff, Florida State, USA, - contact
- Laureano De Leon Frances , Univ. Birmingham, UK - contact
- Isenberg Tobias, INRIA Saclay, France - contact
- Lusseyran François, LIMSI, France - contact
- Mathelin Lionel, LIMSI, France - contact
- Massot Marc, École Central Paris, France
- Mémin Etienne, IRISA, France - contact
- Pastur Luc, Univ. Paris Sud, France - contact
- Richecoeur Franck, École Central Paris, France
- Robinet Jean-Christophe, ENSAM, France
- Tsalamlal Yacine, LIMSI, France
- Former PhD Supervisors:
- Ammi Mehdi, Univ. Paris Sud, France
- Lusseyran François, LIMSI, France
- Pastur Luc, Univ. Paris Sud, France